Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Waffle Flower Design Team

Good morning guys,

With the New Year comes a new announcement from me!  I'm super excited to say that I'm joining the Waffle Flower Crafts Design Team!  

I am fortunate to have met Nina in 2012, and from the beginning, we were fast friends!  At first, I just knew her by her fun and creative cards, but then I got to know the warm and generous person behind the cards.  I was so happy for her when she started Waffle Flower and have been one of her biggest fans!  So it makes it even sweeter to be a part of Waffle Flower and their wonderful team.  

Speaking of team, have you seen the team?  Wowsa!  These ladies do not mess around:)   I can't wait to see what they will create this year!  And I can't wait to show you all the fantastic stuff that's coming out (it's really cool, really!).   



  1. I absolutely adore your non-traditional color choices on the "Group Hug" card! It makes them all look like stuffed animals! I can't wait to get my hands on that stamp set.

  2. Adorable! Love the background hugs! Looking forward to seeing more of your inspiration with the design team.

  3. Love the colors you used on the flowers. Thank ou
